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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Week 5 - Discussion Forum

Week 5 - Discussion Forum

Q Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, watch the four TEDTalk videos by farmer Joel Salatin. • Can Real Food From Real Farms Lead to Real Health? (Links to an external site.) • Cows, Carbon and Climate | Joel Salatin | TEDxCharlottesville (Links to an external site.) • Joel Salatin - What Gets Me Up in the Morning (Links to an external site.) • TEDxMidAtlantic - Joel Salatin - 11/5/09 (Links to an external site.) In this series of lectures, Salatin contrasts two ways of seeing the world: the modern industrial way of relating to soil, plants, and animals as machines to be controlled with technology versus his anti-industrial way of relating to soil, plants, animals, and humans as living things in harmony with each other. It is interesting to note that Salatin is a conservative Christian who would describe himself as a dualistic monotheist; he might even accept the label of anthropocentrist. He basically holds to a Medieval worldview. But his understanding of the problems with Enlightenment naturalistic materialism has given him a strong sense of ecology usually associated with idealism and pantheism. In any case, Salatin is a good example of someone who has thought carefully about how food relates to his personal worldview. For this discussion you will share your eating habits, using your completed Food Habits Worksheet from Week 3. In your initial post briefly summarize what you learned about yourself from the worksheet, especially as it relates to your worldview. Which worldview did you start out thinking you had? After observing your eating habits, have you changed your mind? Which worldview do you now think you actually embody in your everyday life, as reflected in your daily eating habits? Cite evidence from your Food Habits Worksheet to support your self-analysis. Then read your classmates’ posts and give at least two of them a friendly critique. Did they correctly identify their own embodied worldview based on the evidence of their habits? Finally reply to the classmates who commended on your original post. Guided Response: This week’s “discussion” is not really a discussion. It is a chance for you to get feedback from your peers about your analysis of your own embodied worldview, since it is sometimes hard to take an objective look at ourselves. Similar to last week, you should have at least four posts total this week: your own initial post, your comments on two of your classmates’ initial posts, and one follow-up reply to the classmates who commented on your initial post. When commenting on other students’ posts, critique their analysis, describing what you notice about their Food Habits Worksheet and how your interpretation is similar to or different from their interpretation of themselves. Be sure to cite additional specific details from the Worksheet to support your comments either way (whether you agree or disagree with the student’s self-analysis).

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The main thing that I have noticed during writing down my eating habits is the fact that I tend to eat many processed foods which are bought from outside but I also noticed that most of the time me and my family try our best to reduce waste of food and reuse the leftovers for other purposes. I realized that how much non bio-degradable waste is being generated on a daily basis as we get various types of food from the market along with many plastic boxes. I think many of us tend to buy most of the things from the supermarket where they preserve the foods with preservatives that can be extremely harmful for the overall nature